School News

Register throughout the summer. School starts on Tuesday, September 3.

All OCSB elementary schools are closed throughout the summer. Register for school using our online form. If you have questions, contact our Admissions Department by email at or by phone at 613-228-3338.

Welcome to Lunchbox!

We are pleased to share that Lunchbox will be offered at your school for this upcoming year. Your ordering calendar is open and will include the following options: Delivery Day Featured Restaurants Tuesday Subway •

The ordering deadline for the first scheduled lunch delivery is: Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 12:00 PM •

Orders may be placed weekly or in advance for any number of days within the school year.

How to Order 1. Login to your SchoolCash Online account using your existing credentials. If you don’t currently have an account, contact the School to set one up.

2. Go to the Items Page in your child’s SchoolCash Online account, scroll to the Lunchbox banner, and click ‘Order Now’.

3. Confirm your phone number and student allergy information then click ‘Update’.

4. Press the ‘Order Now’ button beside your child’s name.

5. Place your child’s lunch order(s) on your school’s ordering calendar by clicking the blue date for the scheduled vendors.

The following credit cards are accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Debit MasterCard, or Visa Debit. Visa and MasterCard prepaid cards are also accepted.

Reminders • The weekly deadline to place lunch orders for the upcoming week is Sunday at 12:00PM; we are unable to accept any orders after this deadline.

• If you need to make any updates or changes to your lunch orders, please do so before Sunday at 12:00PM for the upcoming week.

• For any order cancellations, please notify us 2 days prior to the delivery date. If this is not possible, please contact your school to make alternate arrangements for the meal.

• If there is a school closure, lunches will be cancelled, and a credit will be issued to your Lunchbox account within 3 business days.

• We have updated our Refunds and Credits Policy; please review the updated terms at Questions? Contact the Lunchbox support team by e-mail at

Welcome to Lunchbox!!!

Sept. 9th Updates

Hello to Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Community! 

Please see some important updates below.

Family BBQ

We would like to invite students and their families to attend a Welcoming BBQ on Thursday, Sept. 19 from 5 pm to 7 pm in our school yard.  There will be inflatable obstacle courses, displays, games, hotdogs for people to enjoy (while supplies last).

School Council

As well, we are hoping to start up our School Council in the month of October.  If you are interested, please click on the link below:

Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Council

More information to follow.

Welcome Back Liturgy

Hello to all of our new and returning OLMC Community members,

Please join us this week for our Welcome Back Liturgy. If you are new to our community, every month or 2 we transform our gym into a place of worship. There will be readings done by Mme Manangan's grade 4/5 French Immersion class, as well as songs performed by our School Choir. All are welcome to join us in prayer this Tuesday, September 10th at 1:15pm. 

We hope to see you there!


Mme Morris and Mme Manangan

Morning Drop Off

Please remember when you are dropping  your child in Grade 1 to 6 in the school yard that parents/guardians are not permitted to remain on the yard for safety reasons.  If you choose to wait to see your child in please wait either on the other side of the fence by the parking lot/portable or the edge of the yard by the baseball field.  Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.

Walk a Block

Did you know that walking all or part way to school helps create safer school zones by reducing vehicle congestion? If you live too far away from school to walk the whole way, consider parking 5 to 10 minutes away from the school and walking the rest of the way. Take this small step to help make school zones safer for everyone!   OSTA has designed a  Walk-a-Block 

Click on the link to  download yours today!!

For more information about OSTA’s #GetYourWalkOn Programs and Resources please visit OSTA’s Ottawa Student Transportation Authority:  

Sean Crookshank


Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Welcome Back

Welcome Back

I would like to wish everyone a warm welcome as we start off a new school year. The staff has been eagerly

preparing for the upcoming year as we welcome the students back. I am honoured to be the  principal to such a dynamic group of staff that are looking forward to working in partnership with you, the parish, and community in providing the learning that will help foster your child’s growth during this unique time.

I am looking forward to an excellent year!!

Sean Crookshank


Opt in to receive emails

To receive all types of email messages, you must opt in. Otherwise, we will only send you emergency and attendance email messages.  (Families with children in our Board since 2017 and who had previously provided Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation(CASL) consent will receive General messages.)

You can opt in by creating an account with SchoolMessenger and choosing your contact preferences for each type of message. To receive any emails sent by the school, your preference must be set to “yes” for General Messages. To receive any emails that may be sent by your child's teacher, your preference must be set to “yes” for Teacher-to-Parent Messaging. 

Create your SchoolMessenger account

Have questions? 

If you are having difficulty creating your parent account, please email the OCSB at

Message from our Trustee

Dear Our Lady of Mount Carmel Community

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to another school year. While tucking my four year old granddaughter into bed a few nights ago she seemed unsettled and I asked her if there was anything bothering her. She said “I’m worried that when I go to my new school I won’t be able to open my lunch container”. Although, perhaps a small worry, that was easily resolved, students of all ages often face anxiety over the start of a new school year. I encourage you to have a chat prior to the start of the year so that worries can be addressed either by you or school staff so that a transition into the new year goes smoothly. As vice-chair of the board of trustees, and your trustee, I remain committed to providing our students with quality education and a positive school experience.

In my role as your school trustee I act as your liaison with the school board. As such I am available to you to help navigate challenges that can not be resolved at the school level. You can contact me at 613-878-0237 or at

I hope to meet you at a school event in the near future. If present, don’t hesitate to come and introduce yourself and your family - as a former principal and now your trustee, I find joy in meeting the children, youth and families in our schools. 

Best wishes on a very memorable and successful 2024-2025 school year!

God bless you on your academic journey. 

Cindy Desclouds-Simpson

Vice Chair, Trustee Zone 10 and Virtual Schools


The recommendation of the school board is to have parents verify student information via the parent portal. This information is pulled from PowerSchool. All of the information regarding registration and access to the Parent Portal is found at If you have any questions please contact the school either by email or phone (listed at the bottom of this email).

Just a friendly reminder that drop off for students in the morning is between 9:00-9:15. If your student is going to be away/ late please call the office to report their absence.  Late students need to sign in at the front office.  Kinders are dropped off in the kindergarten yard, rest of the students in the back school yard.  Parents are not permitted on the yard for safety reasons and are asked to wait outside the school yard boundaries if they so choose.

Prayer for Beginning a New School Year


We thank you for the opportunity

to begin the 2022-23 school year,

and we ask that you bless

the staff, students, and students' families.

We pray that you will guide us in all ways,

and that we will seek your will

in everything that we do.

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.


School Calendar

Board News & Information

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Elementary - Board news & information