Older News

October 4th Update

Gracious God, we come before you in thanksgiving for the gifts you have given. The colour of this season reminds us of the beauty You alone can create. We are thankful for the food You provide in the harvest. You have filled the earth with your gifts. You have blessed us. We are ever grateful, Lord, and we continue to sing your praises.

Principal’s Message

As we all lead our busy lives, we must remind ourselves and our children to pause and take a moment to be thankful for the many wonderful things we are blessed with in our lives.    We wish you all the best during this time of thanks,

Sean Crookshank


Head Lice

Today, we were notified of a few cases of Head Lice at our school.  Please continue to be vigilant with weekly head checks and for more information, please see the information below.

Ottawa Public Health Head Lice

Head lice are common in school-aged children, but anyone can get them. These small insects can crawl from person to person by direct head to head contact and most commonly cause itching.  Parents should check their children’s hair weekly for head lice. Look for nits (eggs) of head lice. Nits look like dandruff, but they cannot be shaken or flicked off the hair. They are found on the hair very close to the scalp. If you see lice or nits, notify the school and treat your child. Ottawa Public Health recommends that the first of the two required treatments be done before your child returns to school.  Daily nit/lice removal is important between treatments.  Teach your child to protect himself or herself from getting head lice:

For more information on the prevention and treatment of head lice, call the Ottawa Public Health information line at 613-580-6744 or visit ottawa.ca/health. 

Photo Day Information: October 17, 2022


• Students will be photographed at school.

• On photo day, no order form or payment is due.

• Review your images and purchase online with ease!

Please do not wear green to avoid blending into the background.


Sign up for notifications at edgeimaging.ca/photoday to get real-time updates about your photo day and stay in the know with Edge.


School photos are a Canadian tradition to capture the school year and preserve your continued growth.